Our Only Culture Used to be John Elway (11-7-19)

A recap of everything from this week in the Denverse. The Denver Broncos win with a guy named Brandon as QB. The Denver Nuggets find a rhythm and the Colorado Avalanche are losers on the ice and in the replay booth.
The only podcast that has both a John Elway tribute and also seriously questions John Elway.

The 7 Minute recap of the week in Denver Sports (1:56). It ended up being a 15-minute recap. The Broncos won! But was it good for the team's long-term outlook(15:45)? Finally seeing the real Denver Nuggets (24:55). The Avalanche are in a deep slide without signs of turning things around (30:10).

The Denverse is now on Spotify, iTunes and other podcast streaming services! Subscribe here: https://thedenverse.transistor.fm/subscribe
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 Theme Song: Dream Catcher Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
 Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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